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Frequently Asked Questions
Do I need a consultation?
Yes, but it only takes 5-10 minutes and can be done via email, text, or over the phone. Your questions will be answered and we'll make sure you're a good candidate for structural integration.
What conditions do not make me a good candidate for SI?
SI requires some amount of pressure to be applied to your bones throughout the process. Therefore, it is not indicated for people with advanced osteoporosis or other diseases that make the bones very brittle or fragile.
Can I do SI if I'm pregnant?
Although it is safe and very effective to receive this type of fascial bodywork during pregnancy, we do not take pregnant women through standard SI series work. Instead, you can receive prenatal connective tissue massage throughout your pregnancy. Prenatal CTM helps keep your body as balanced as possible by opening and lengthening restricted fascia. Prenatal CTM is a very effective way to relieve symptoms such as back pain, sciatica, and restricted breathing. You can receive standard SI series work after pregnancy as it will restore the proper balance throughout the body.
​Do I have to commit to doing the whole 10-Series?
No, you can do the first session and up to the 3rd session to see if you like it.
What do I wear during my sessions?
Please have clean, dry skin without any lotion on it. Men, briefs are best. Boxer briefs are okay as well, but no long compression shorts. Women, a non-underwire bra (regular, sports bra, bandeau) that is not too tight around the band is ideal along with full coverage underwear (briefs, bikini, boyshorts).
How long is each session?
Sessions are anywhere from 90-110 minutes long. This includes intake, table work, and movement education.
How long do I wait between sessions?
One session per week is standard, but you can do more or less time between depending on your schedule. Longer than 3 weeks between sessions is not recommended (though it can be done) because each session builds from the previous one. If too much time lapses between sessions, they can lose their cohesion.
After the 10-Series, how long do I wait to get advanced work?
Most people feel they are ready for additional work 3-4 months after they finish the 10 series. On average, people complete 2-4 advanced series (3 series or 5 series) per year. How often you need work is dependent on your lifestyle, but in general, the more ordered your body becomes, the less often it needs work.
Does insurance cover SI?
SI may be covered by your health insurance, but it generally isn't. However, many flexible spending accounts (FSAs) and health savings accounts (HSAs) will cover SI. It's best to check with your insurance provider directly. We do not submit claims to insurance companies on your behalf, but we can provide you with an invoice for your treatments.
Is SI safe for children?
SI can be very helpful for children's development, especially if they are active in sports or have certain physical conditions that have the potential to lead to more aggressive interventions. In general, we work with children and young adults ages 15+.
I have seen a Rolfer in the past. Do I still need a 10-Series?
Maybe. Some Rolfers do not follow the 10 series protocol and instead do treatments based on where symptoms are felt. The 10 series is necessary to establish the foundation for balance through the whole body. If you have not received a 10 series, or do not know if you have, we may recommend you do. If you know you have gotten a 10 series, unless it has been several years since you last received work, most likely you can start with a 3 series.
Can SI fix my scoliosis?
Maybe, depending on the severity. Because the process is one of unwinding fascia and alignment of the bone structure, it has helped many people with scoliosis feel better and move better. Mild scoliosis has been corrected with SI. Moderate to severe scoliosis has also been helped, but to a lesser degree in how straight the spine looks and more with how the person feels and moves.
What should I do between sessions?
During the movement education portion of your session, we give you specific movement cues that you should practice outside of sessions. Practicing cues is one of the most helpful things you can do to reinforce your body's new pattern and rewire the mind-body connection. It is highly recommended to use our SI journal, The Body Transcendence Handbook, which will guide you every step of the way through your SI journey!
What shouldn't I do when going through a series?
Most therapies don't work in the same way SI does to open and align the body. Instead of being complementary, they end up opposing each other. Therefore, we don't recommend doing several hands-on therapies at once, eg. chiropractic, physical therapy, massage therapy, and structural integration. If you're interested in trying different therapies, we recommend doing each of them individually so you can assess how each works for you. Energy therapies (acupuncture, reiki, craniosacral therapy, etc.) are fine to receive with SI.
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